Das Politikfeld Entwicklungszusammenarbeit befindet sich im Umbruch. In Deutschland wird im Vorfeld der Bundestagswahlen im Herbst 2017 die Rolle und Bedeutung der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit einen wichtigen Platz in der politischen Diskussion einnehmen. Fragen zu globalen Herausforderungen und politischen Entwicklungen wie der Agenda 2030 sollen auf unserer Blog-Plattform von unterschiedlichen Perspektiven unter dem Titel „Zukunft der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit“ öffentlich diskutiert werden. Bis zu den Bundestagswahlen werden dazu Stimmen von Vertreterinnen und Vertretern der Wissenschaft, der im Bundestag (derzeit und in der letzten Legislaturperiode) vertretenen Parteien, der Bundesregierung, des Europäischen Parlaments und der Europäischen Kommission, den entwicklungspolitischen Durchführungsorganisationen, der Zivilgesellschaft und der Privatwirtschaft beitragen.

G20 Engagement and the Foreign Office

Photo: Auswaertiges Amt

G20 and Foreign Offices

The G20 began as a forum for Finance Ministers and Bank Governors in 1999, but with the addition of the Leaders’ Summits in 2008, the Executive Office (or in the case of the 2017 G20 – the German Federal Chancellery) began to play a central role within the G20. A general division of labour has evolved in preparing G20 Leaders’ Summits whereby most economic and financial issues are managed through the Finance Track, and many non-economic issues are managed through the Sherpa Track via the G20 President’s executive office and an appointed Sherpa.

Outcome of the first T20 conference in Africa

For the first time since the establishment of the Think20 (T20) process, Think Tanks from across Africa have met with T20 Think Tanks to discuss the G20 agenda and potential opportunities for Africa-G20 cooperation. The T20 Africa conference was organized by the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), the German Development Institute / Deutsches…

Compact with Africa: Fostering Private Long-Term Investment

Photo: Bridge in AfricaThe German G20 Presidency puts the spotlight on Africa’s economic development. In its ´Compact with Africa´, the German G20 Presidency, jointly with the African partners, wants to encourage institutional investment by pension funds and life insurers in infrastructure to encourage corporate direct investment. The objective of the “Compact with Africa” is to boost growth and jobs, promote inclusion and give people economic opportunities at home so that they do not have to leave their home country to seek subsistence elsewhere.