For the G20 – Let’s return to the original idea

Photo: StartlineWhen the finance ministers of the G7 countries proposed the G20 in the late 1990s, a good sense of realism prevailed. They recognized that addressing issues of global finance required the political support from—and involvement of—emerging market economies. This view proved prescient in seeking policy responses to the 2007–08 global financial crisis. The leaders of the G20 met at their first summit in Washington D.C. in 2008 to agree on measures to resolve the crisis through dialogues among the “systemically relevant” countries.

From Taormina to Hamburg: A fruitful G7-G20 relationship?

Blog Series: What remains of the G20 Hamburg Summit?

Photo: Hamburg Storehouse BuidlingsOnly six weeks went by between the Taormina G7 and Hamburg G20 meetings, which were both chaired by a major EU Member State. A substantive link between the two summits was therefore to be expected. Indeed, at least to some extent, a useful connection was set in motion. The results of these two events seem to suggest an informal – but organic – relation between the diplomatic and cooperative efforts of the much narrower and more homogeneous G7 with the G20 summit.

For Africa, the G20 Hamburg Summit is a door stopper, not a bookend

Image: Céline CharveriatThe news emerging from Hamburg were dominated by the narrative of the emerging 19 +1 on issues such as climate change or trade protectionism. Yvanka Trump replacing her father in the US seat was a particularly juicy bit, with few realizing that happened when the leaders were discussing Africa. Street protests and the 9th Beethoven symphony played in the brand-new Elbphilharmonie capped what was after all a fair attempt by Germany and Chancellor Angela Merkel to give direction to a group that has become a target of cynical criticism.

Globale Gesundheit und die G20: Endlich Dauerthema oder doch nur Eintagsfliege?

Image: Blutproben

Globalisierung macht Gesundheit zum Thema aller

Unter der diesjährigen G20-Präsidentschaft Deutschlands stand das Thema globale Gesundheit prominent auf der Agenda und erstmals trafen sich im Vorfeld die Gesundheitsminister der beteiligten Staaten. Die Entwicklungen und Ergebnisse des G20-Gipfels weisen in die richtige Richtung, doch angesichts der großen Herausforderungen bei der globalen Gesundheit muss das Thema weiterhin besondere Aufmerksamkeit erhalten und es müssen konkreten Zusagen gemacht werden.

A step to the side: the G20’s climate dance

Blog Series: What remains of the G20 Hamburg Summit?
Photo: Pflanzen

Make the finance sector climate resilient

The result of this year’s G20 summit was not a major step forward in solving the climate problem. However, the confrontation with President Trump ended not in a full clash, but rather in a diplomatic climate dance – taking one step back, one step to the side, and one step forward. This presents an opportunity to continue with a climate tango from a new starting point in Argentina in 2018.