Das Politikfeld Entwicklungszusammenarbeit befindet sich im Umbruch. In Deutschland wird im Vorfeld der Bundestagswahlen im Herbst 2017 die Rolle und Bedeutung der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit einen wichtigen Platz in der politischen Diskussion einnehmen. Fragen zu globalen Herausforderungen und politischen Entwicklungen wie der Agenda 2030 sollen auf unserer Blog-Plattform von unterschiedlichen Perspektiven unter dem Titel „Zukunft der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit“ öffentlich diskutiert werden. Bis zu den Bundestagswahlen werden dazu Stimmen von Vertreterinnen und Vertretern der Wissenschaft, der im Bundestag (derzeit und in der letzten Legislaturperiode) vertretenen Parteien, der Bundesregierung, des Europäischen Parlaments und der Europäischen Kommission, den entwicklungspolitischen Durchführungsorganisationen, der Zivilgesellschaft und der Privatwirtschaft beitragen.

How the T20 can assist the G20 in 2017

container yard behind security fence

Trade protectionism on the rise

The world is struggling to comprehend the implications of Donald Trump’s election as United States President, including the isolationist, protectionist and anti-trade policies he advanced during the campaign. His election, along with the United Kingdom’s approval of the Brexit referendum in June 2016, has shaken the principles which underpin the G20, namely the pursuit of closer international cooperation.



Trumps election is a turning point for the world order.

Image: Ruins after earthquake

A political earthquake unleashed?

Donald Trump will become President of the USA on 20 January 2017. Even if he only implements part of what he has announced, a political earthquake will be unleashed. This  will radically change the conditions the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement. Efforts to organize global cooperation need to be massively expanded: the EU needs to strengthen its international profile, and it needs a 100-day programme outlining its priorities. The German G20 Presidency can help to strengthen climate protection and the 2030 Agenda. These are the foundations upon which the transatlantic partnership as well as dialogue between societies must move forward.

Three things to watch in Germany’s G20 year

Image: Köhlbrandbrücke in Hamburg

Three areas in the build-up to Hamburg

At this point of transition of the G20 presidency from China to Germany, Hannah Wurf speculates on three areas ‘worth watching’ in the build-up to the Hamburg Summit. A narrative on economic resilience and new approaches to migration and global health. Wurf also explores how the German presidency might build upon the legacy of the G20 Hangzhou Summit in pursuing its possible priorities.


Chinese Footprints on Global Economic Governance?

Image: Hangzhou Train Station

A chinese legacy in the G20?

In this blog, Alex He from The Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) explores the G20 Hangzhou Summit outcomes, and China’s G20 presidency, for insights into China’s “strategy and perceptions around global economic governance”. He also considers the conditions that are required for the outcomes of the Hangzhou Summit to be successfully adopted and implemented in the coming years.