Schlagwort: Sven Grimm

Election year 2024 – South Africa rocks its political realities

Image: Flag of South Africa, a hand in the same colors form the "V"-Victory-Sign

Election year 2024 – South Africa, ©Pixabay

South African elections are but one event on a busy calendar in the global election years, where half the global populations goes to the polls – admittedly with varying degrees of actual voice in political matters. The country is among the bright ones, though, where votes clearly matter. The voters have turned a new page in politics at the Cape, setting a difficult task for a new government.…

Photo: Bright Sun on a landscape

“Zeitenwende”: The heat is on!

Photo by jplenio on Pixabay Europe is facing some heat. Literally – with another heat wave grasping the continent – and figuratively with threats to the global order through Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Profound shifts are happening – with political answers too quick for some, and painfully slow when looking at evidence on the ultimate…

UN General Assembly voting on Ukraine – What does it tell us about African states’ relations with external partners?

Photo: Logo of the UN on blue ground

Picture by Chickenonline on Pixabay

On 2 March 2022, the UN General Assembly voted in a special emergency session on a resolution condemning the Russian attack on Ukraine. The General Assembly dealt with the issue on the basis of a referral from the Security Council, which was paralysed by a Russian veto. The resolution calls for an immediate ceasefire and clearly names Russia as the aggressor.…

Knowledge Cooperation between Africa and Europe: The power of engagement and changing perspectives

Photo: International practicioners of the Managing Global Governance Academy 2018 learning together

As humanity, we face many common challenges in the 2020s: climate change and its effects are at the core, resulting in demands for economic transformation geared towards more sustainability. Underlying are demographic changes, with the need to feed more people while maintaining the natural basis for our survival. Increased digitalisation, global health issues (this is not the first nor the last pandemic), and strong refugee and migration movements call for a united action to address these shared global challenges. Additionally, geopolitical changes bring new important actors onto the world scene.