Kategorie: Allgemein

Forging Consensus: Navigating Trade Controversies in the FfD4 Zero Draft

Image of the Square in Seville, “4th International Conference on Financing for Development 30 June–3 July 2025 Seville, Spain”

The role of international trade as a key driver for sustainable development has been a recurring theme since the First International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD) in Monterrey, Mexico in 2022. Building on this established consensus, the “Zero Draft” of the FfD4 Outcome Document emphasizes the transformative potential of international trade in driving sustainable development, particularly for developing countries.…

Cumbersome but Essential – The United Nations Financing for Development Process Ahead of its 4th Conference

IDOS Blog Series on the 4th FfD Conference

Image of the Square in Seville, “4th International Conference on Financing for Development 30 June–3 July 2025 Seville, Spain”

The 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4), scheduled for June 30 to July 3 in Seville, Spain, will conclude an extensive United Nations process that aims to align public and private financial flows with social, environmental, and economic goals. …

UNCCD COP 16: Another setback for multilateral environmental and resource protection

A Scene at the UNCCD COP16, Riyadh 2024. Photo by Aris Sanjaya/CIFOR-ICRAF, www.cifor-icraf.org/event/cifor-icraf-at-unccd-cop16/

Oops, it’s happened again: after the CBD, an important negotiation process has now also failed in the UNCCD, known in Germany as the Desertification Convention – a multilateral agreement to combat the consequences of drought. …

Image of the City of Damascus, Syria

Managing Change in Syria: Opportunities for Inclusivity Amid Fragmentation

The fall of the Assad dictatorship and the collapse of the state have left Syria at a critical Juncture. The disintegration of the army and security forces marks the end of an era and presents an opportunity to dismantle the old exclusionary system. This moment of chance for change comes with risks, as the country…

The G20 and the Re-Calibration of Global Governance – Insights from the T20 Summit 2024 in Brazil

The Heads of State at the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro in November 2024, forming a global alliance against hunger and poverty. © Palácio do Planalto on flickr, Photo: Ricardo Stuckert/PR

In November 2024, Brazil concluded its G20 presidency with the handover to South Africa. Just one week before the G20 Leaders‘ Summit in Rio de Janeiro on 11-12 November 2024, think tanks and research organisations from around the world gathered for the Think20 (T20) Summit. They took stock of the uptake and implementation of the policy advice they provided to the G20 throughout the year. This blog post provides an overview of key discussions at the T20 Summit with a focus on the priorities under Brazil’s G20 presidency. It analyses to which extent Brazil has continued initiatives of India’s G20 presidency in 2023, and shares an outlook on the potential approach of the South African presidency in 2025.…