Schlagwort: Migration

Third international conference on displacement and migration at DIE

In the context of the BMZ-funded research project “Reducing causes of forced displacement and managing migration”, on 30 and 31 October, the third international conference on displacement and migration “Linking policies and people: New insights on migration and development” took place at DIE. At the conference, representatives from research and political practice discussed the relationship…

Dritte internationale Flucht- und Migrationskonferenz am DIE

Das BMZ-geförderte Forschungsprojekt „Fluchtursachen reduzieren und Migration gestalten“ richtete am 30. und 31. Oktober 2019 am DIE die dritte internationale Flucht- und Migrationskonferenz „Linking policies and people: New insights on migration and development“ aus. Vertreter*innen aus Wissenschaft und (politischer) Praxis diskutierten über den Zusammenhang von Migration und Entwicklung, Ursachen von Flucht und Migration, Migrationsgovernance auf…

The G20 Leaders’ Declaration on Migration

Blog Series: What remains of the G20 Hamburg Summit?

Photo: Trail

International migration has effectively entered the G20 agenda only two years ago. When Turkey hosted the Antalya Summit in November 2015, it had also recently become host to several million refugees, mostly from Syria – some of whom were moving on to the Balkans and further to Western Europe. Accordingly, the Antalya Communiqué describes the “ongoing refugee crisis” as a global concern and uses rather specific language in calling for burden-sharing among states and more support for refugees, including through additional humanitarian and development assistance and third-country resettlement.

Syrians in Turkey: Is Work Permit Regulation Enough?

Photo: Stamper

Beyond formalizing the legal ground

Since 2011, the Syrian Civil War has created five million displaced Syrians. With the world struggling to accommodate them, most of the responsibility has fallen on to the shoulders of neighboring countries, especially Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. Six years into the war, the initial emergency phase is over, as the outflow of displaced Syrians has declined. International aid interventions and institutions are in place, and for the most part, working. Now, the issue is less about emergency humanitarian aid, and more about sustainable integration. Hence, the role of public policy to enable labor market integration becomes more pressing and challenging.

Flucht und Migration sind Teil unserer globalisierten Welt

Image: Lebensmittelmarkt

Stabilisierung der Lebensgrundlagen

Wie wir in Zukunft in Europa leben werden, hängt u.a. von der Gesamtentwicklung der bevölkerungsreichsten, oftmals armen Länder weltweit und von der Eindämmung zunehmender Krisen- und Konfliktsituationen ab. Mit den Menschen, die vor Krieg und Gewalt z.B. aus dem Nahen Osten nach Deutschland gekommen sind, ist die Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mitten in unserer Gesellschaft angekommen.