Schlagwort: Effectiveness

Image of the Square in Seville, “4th International Conference on Financing for Development 30 June–3 July 2025 Seville, Spain”

Frozen in time: How to rethink the role of foreign aid in FFD4

Whether time moves linearly or circularly, is subject to debate in the natural and social sciences. Meanwhile, the FFD4 process suggests the primacy of circularity, at least when reading the draft outcome document’s references to “Official Development Assistance” (ODA). In brief, the document calls for scaling up the volume of ODA (colloquially foreign aid) along…

Four Ways the German Government Can Improve Development Effectiveness

Photo: Bundestag architecture

©Vadim Derksen, Pixabay

Over the last decade, Germany emerged as a leading provider of development finance. Since 2016, Germany has consistently been the second largest bilateral provider of official development assistance (ODA), and in 2020, it was the only G7 member to meet the 0.7 percent ODA/GNI spending target due to its generous increases in ODA in response to COVID-19. While Germany continues to provide a large quantity of ODA, it often ranks in the middle on comparative measures of development quality (for example: 2021 Quality of ODA index, Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation monitoring, Aid Transparency Index, and AidDATA’s Listening to Leaders survey)…

Is the G20 more Effective in Crisis times?

Many observers have expressed frustration with the G20’s growing ineffectiveness after its stellar role in averting a global financial meltdown and deep recession following the 2008 crisis. Its subsequent performance has never quite matched up to that as the body traversed from crisis to recovery mode. Consensus and cooperation has eluded it more often than not since, in part because of shift in focus to more complex, underlying economic issues.