Annual report: Impact of geopolitical tensions on supply chains

Cover: Annual report: Impact of geopolitical tensions on supply chains

© Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)

IDOS, together with GIGA, SWP and IfW Kiel, is the initiator and organiser of the international research network „Sustainable Global Supply Chains„, which is funded by the BMZ and comprises over 100 researchers from various countries. The network has now published its second major report entitled „Sustainable global supply chains in times of geopolitical crises. Annual Report 2023„, which discusses the impact of geopolitical tensions on supply chains and approaches to shaping them in a way that is geared towards the common good. Within the network, the IDOS team, consisting of Dr Tilman Altenburg and Dr Nora Aboushady, has a particularly focus on networking with African partners (such as the African Economic Research Consortium) and moderates the blog on current supply chain topics.

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