Keynote speech by and discussions with Anna-Katharina Hornidge on a global turning point / Zeitenwende

Prof. Dr Hornidge addressed the significance of the ‚turning point‘ (Zeitenwende) in a keynote speech at the invitation of Minister Svenja Schulze and Parliamentary State Secretary Bärbel Kofler at the SPD’s One World Forum on 1 June.

Photo: Anna-Katharina Hornidge is Director of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)


Furthermore, she spoke about the “Zeitenwende” in the context of her work in the task force „Zeitenwende“ appointed by the Federal Executive Committee of Bündnis90/die Grünen. Here she addressed in particular the question of what constitutes the turning point named by Chancellor Scholz. The Russian war of aggression must be seen against the background of autocratisation processes that have been advancing worldwide for years and the crisis of multilateralism. At the same time, common global challenges such as climate change, poverty and social inequalities, as well as species extinction persist. Transregional cooperation between nation states as well as between actors from science or the private sector is necessary. Thematic alliances, as proposed by the G7, are possible formats here, but can only address global challenges if they are composed inclusively. For German development policy, this means combining interest-based and value-driven approaches and becoming more geopolitical in interdepartmental exchange with foreign, environmental, climate and economic policy.

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