Schlagwort: Donald Trump


Photo: Solar Panels

Reaffirming low-carbon future

On Tuesday 28 March, President Trump unravelled his predecessor’s climate policy by signing an executive order that, amongst other things, undoes restrictions on emissions by coal-fired power plants. Obama’s climate measures would have resulted in an estimated 26-28 percent reduction of US emissions by 2025. Many now ask about the global consequences of US withdrawal from climate protection; will this be the end of the world’s quest for a low-carbon and climate resilient future?

Trump und die Zukunft der VN-Weltordnung: Was kann Deutschland tun?

Image: Wellen

Eine autokratische Welle

Ob unlängst bei der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz, beim NATO-Treffen in Brüssel oder in unzähligen Mittagsgesprächen interessierter Beobachter: Die Gefahr, die von US-Präsident Donald Trump für die VN-Weltordnung – sprich Multilateralismus auf liberal-demokratischer Wertebasis – ausgeht, ist das dominierende Thema.

How the G20 can deal with Trump’s Chinese currency complaints in Baden-Baden

Photo: Trump Cartoon

Trump still aims to designate China as a currency manipulator

Last week in an interview with Reuters, U.S. President Trump labelled the Chinese as “grand champions at manipulation of currency”, indicating he has not fully backtracked from his campaign promise to designate China as a ‘currency manipulator’ on ‘day one’ of his Presidency. The position of Washington on this topic has not exactly been crystal clear, however, with the new U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin, announcing on the same day as Trump’s comment that the Treasury was in fact still going through the formal process of analysing Chinese currency practices, and that no judgements would be made prior to the completion of that process.

The Munich Security Conference – three world orders in the making

Image: Munich Security Conference

New directions from Munich

Bringing together more than 400 foreign and security policy elites from the transatlantic community and an irritatingly small number of representatives from the non-Western world, the Munich Security Conference somewhat resembled a couple’s therapy session and an attempt at self-reassurance. Does the West still exist? Do we still need the West? What is the West about? And, finally, a huge question, which world order is it worth fighting for?

Postfaktische Entwicklungspolitik

Image: White House in darkness

America first

Nun also beginnt Donald Trumps Umsetzung einer “America first”-Politik. Der Versuch, (vermeintlich) nationale Vorteile gegenüber der gemeinsamen Bearbeitung globaler Herausforderungen auszuspielen, wird zur Doktrin US-amerikanischer Politik erhoben. Tatsächlich haben die Wochen seit der Wahl im November die politischen Realitäten bereits stark verändert. Garantien eines vormals stabilen transatlantischen Sicherheitspaktes sind ins Wanken geraten. Autokraten à la Putin und Erdoğan erfahren durch den neuen US-Präsidenten einen beträchtlichen Reputationszugewinn.