Schlagwort: China

Europe shouldn’t underestimate the global appeal of China’s vaccine diplomacy

Photo: COVID-19-Vaccine in front of the Chinese Flag

By: Marco Verch, Quelle:

Western media coverage tends to downplay the success of China’s vaccine development and vaccine diplomacy, but Europe should not underestimate the appeal of Beijing’s offer. The failure of rich countries to address equitable global access to COVID-19 vaccines and the West’s absence from the vaccine diplomacy game has provided China with a reputational win.

Promoting Sustainable Development in China-France Cooperation with Africa: A 2 Billion € joint investment fund

Photo: Solar Energy Panels

France and China have officially established a cooperation agreement on third-country investment in November 2016. Its flagship programme is a joint investment fund. This blog argues that one essential precondition for a successful cooperation is a good understanding of third country’s domestic needs and the identification of complementarities of Sino-French joint Investments in Africa. I take Morocco as an example to illustrate that France and China may have comparative advantages that can contribute to accelerating Morocco’s implementation of renewable energy, a national objective that requires substantial financial support.