The Future of Globalisation – Introducing our blog
Debates, based on solid empirical research, are increasingly important in view of a global system fraught with mounting uncertainties.
Debates, based on solid empirical research, are increasingly important in view of a global system fraught with mounting uncertainties.
As European and African leaders gather in Abidjan, tensions over migration continue to simmer. Since 2015, the EU has developed a range of initiatives aimed at reducing migrant arrivals from Africa. The most controversial of these has been the Migration Partnership Framework (MPF). With its emphasis on keeping people out and sending them back, its bilateral and transactional approach to engagement with African partners, and its explicit use of positive and negative incentives, the MPF epitomises the most disturbing trends in EU migration policy.
Reducing food loss, strengthening food markets
On a recent trip to South East Africa I met all the key food and nutrition stakeholders in the public sector. I also met 3 managing directors of small and medium sized businesses. I was struck by how much more dynamic, driven and committed the entrepreneurs were compared to their public sector counterparts when it came to finding solutions to food and nutrition Problems.…
Policy makers, struggling to respond to migration within Africa and from Africa to Europe, have turned to economic development as a means to improve prospects in potential migrants’ home countries. The logic goes, if people have livelihoods in their home countries they are less likely to undertake the dangerous journey across Africa and the Mediterranean to Europe.…
Deutschlands künftige Rolle
Die politische Auseinandersetzung über Deutschlands Rolle für globale Entwicklung hat gerade erst begonnen. Diese Diskussion ist notwendiger und relevanter als je zuvor, da grenzüberschreitende Herausforderungen zunehmen, während gleichzeitig die politischen Gestaltungsspielräume wegen vielfach national-populistischer Trends abnehmen. „Globale Entwicklung“ ist zu einem wichtigen Thema in der politischen Debatte Deutschlands geworden. Dies sind die wichtigsten Schlussfolgerungen unseres nun endenden Blogs zur am Sonntag stattfindenden Bundestagswahl.