Kategorie: Allgemein

Recalibrating The G20 in the Aftermath of Saudi Arabia’s Summit: Testing a Secretariat!

Image: Renovation Construction Site, Recalibrating The G20 in the Aftermath of Saudi Arabia’s Summit: Testing a Secretariat! by Andrew F. CooperIn the Special Issue, After one decade of G20 summitry, edited by Axel Berger, Sven Grimm at the DIE and myself, I argued that the G20 had morphed from a crisis committee or steering group to being a hybrid focal point. In other words, the G20 could no longer be judged simply by its instrumental delivery. As a crisis committee, the G20 concentred its collective efforts on managing the aftermath of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis (GFC), but gradually ran out of momentum. Alternatively, as a possible steering group, the G20 has not been able to embrace the mandate of working together beyond the core financial agenda whether on climate change, migration, or other compelling issue areas.

The T20 has come a long way – now it needs to take the next step

Photo: Crossroads from above, by rarestohanean on Pixabay

Think tanks have become a noticeable actor in the G20 process. This is a result of the changing nature of the G20 itself, which evolved from a crisis committee into a network focal point. In this process, it has become more inclusive vis-à-vis transnational networks of societal actors such as business, civil-society, women’s organisations, and labour unions. Complex realities need different perspectives – and they also need analysis and research-based recommendations, which is the task of think tanks.

Challenges of Globalization : Need to Balance Inter-Domain Speed Differentials

Photo: Stained Glass spirale, Challenges of Globalization : Need to Balance Inter-Domain Speed Differentials

The crisis of decision making in a “globalized” world

Globalization and its attendant features have been attracting substantial attention of late. While discontents from globalization are chronicled regularly. The phenomenon  also underscores the increasingly emerging inter-connectedness among human beings transcending geographical separation. The increased scope of inter-connectedness makes it imperative for G20 to seize of this opportunity and create a global governance structure that protects people and the planet.

Beyond vested interests: Reforming international co-operation post COVID-19

World with a FFP2 Mask

By cromaconceptovisual on pixabay


The world is now in the eighth month of the COVID-19 pandemic. When this was written, the highest daily infection rates were recorded in India, the US and Brazil, while the highest death rates (per 100,000 inhabitants) were registered in Europe and the Americas. Africa so far has not turned into a hotspot of the disease – good news that is attributed to effective public health workers and Africa’s young population. The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare weaknesses and blind spots in societies, economies and policies worldwide. Notably that public services the world over take too long to understand their new responsibilities under changed circumstances and as a result act too slowly, at the expense of the most vulnerable. For example, infection and death rates are high in OECD countries despite good health care systems. And insufficient digital infrastructure and access in public administrations, schools and households, exacerbated by social inequalities, affect access to education in Germany or in Latin American countries alike.…

Europe in the world: How the European Green Deal could influence global climate action and sustainable development

Photo: Bamboo Plants from below

The European Union (EU) announced its European Green Deal (hereafter Green Deal) at the global Climate Conference in Madrid in 2019, stating its intention to make Europe carbon neutral by 2050. The EU has been a global leader on the international stages of climate and sustainability, constantly pushing for more action at home and in the international negotiations. In that sense, through the Green Deal, the EU recognizes that its domestic action alone will not set the world on track for the deep needed transition towards sustainability. Rather, it notes and takes seriously the role it could play globally by acting as a role model and by directly stimulating action beyond borders.