Author: Sören Hilbrich

Image of the Square in Seville, “4th International Conference on Financing for Development 30 June–3 July 2025 Seville, Spain”

Trump and FfD4 – the Elephant in the Room Starts to Speak (and Destroy)

The first two sentences delivered by the U.S. representative at the 3rd session of FfD4 Preparatory Committee (3rd PrepCom) last week were already tough ones: “At the outset, I underscore that the United States is currently evaluating its membership and participation in all international organisations and processes. Thus, we are reserving on the whole draft…

Cumbersome but Essential – The United Nations Financing for Development Process Ahead of its 4th Conference

IDOS Blog Series on the 4th FfD Conference

Image of the Square in Seville, “4th International Conference on Financing for Development 30 June–3 July 2025 Seville, Spain”

The 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4), scheduled for June 30 to July 3 in Seville, Spain, will conclude an extensive United Nations process that aims to align public and private financial flows with social, environmental, and economic goals. …

Photo: Group of the G20 Leaders at the Rome Summit 2021

Democratic Participation and the Populist Challenge to Global Governance

This year’s G20 summit took place this weekend in Rome and – as it is always the case when the G20 meets in a country where protests are not suppressed – thousands of protestors used this occasion to express their opposition to the supposedly neoliberal agenda of the G20 and the human rights violations perpetrated…

G20 should become more accountable – here’s how

Photo: "Traffic in China"

The future of globalization will decisively depend on the future of international political cooperation. The G20 is one of the most important, but also one of the most criticized fora for the cooperation between the economically most powerful states. It is thus of upmost importance that it becomes more accountable to the public. We argue here that the most feasible and least intrusive step forward with regard to the G20’s accountability would be to take measures to increase its transparency.