UN project presents G77 study at the Federal Foreign Office

The study titled “The Group of 77 and global dialogue in the United Nations General Assembly” (2024)” is a joint work of Dr Max-Otto Baumann and Dr Anna Novoselova from the UN project at IDOS and Philipp Schönrock from CEPEI, a think tank in Colombia. They presented it on 21 January at the Federal Foreign Office.

Photo: UN building in New York.

©Max-Otto Baumann

The Group of 77 (G77) represents the voice of the global South in the United Nations. With 134 members today, it has a two-thirds voting majority. It often acts as a counterpart to the global North. The study examines the current state of North-South relations in the United Nations, analyses the internal decision-making processes of the G77, and its role in the General Assembly. One key takeaway of the study: In the context of a global power shift towards multipolarity and a decline in mutual trust, both the global South and North must redefine their relationship within the United Nations. In the exchange with staff of the Federal Foreign Office, the authors explained what promotes antagonism and how, in their view, both sides can better contribute to “effective multilateralism” (a term from the 2024 Future Summit).

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