5th edition of the Europe Sustainable Development Report

On 25 January 2024, the fifth edition of the Europe Sustainable Development Report (ESDR) 2023/2024 was released by the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) in cooperation with SDSN Europe and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).  

Cover: 5th edition of the Europe Sustainable Development Report by SDSN


The report reveals that decisive actions must be taken in the European Union (EU) to avoid environmental and social “tipping points” and to maintain the promise of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda and the objectives of the Paris Climate Agreement. At the current rate, a third of the SDG targets will not be achieved by the EU by 2030, with significant differences across European countries. In particular, the report underlines stagnation and reversal in progress in many European countries on social targets and the poor performance of the EU and its Member States in the international spillover index. 

Complementing the ESDR 2023/24 report, a group of 200+ scientists, experts, and practitioners from 25 European countries also published today a joint Call for Action targeting political parties and the future EU leadership to lay the foundation for a new European Deal for the Future with ten priority actions. This new European deal for the future should also take into account the social and international dimension of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

Further information on the report and Call for Action can be found in the press release from SDSN Germany: https://www.sdsngermany.de/news/vor-den-europawahlen-im-juni-beschreibt-ein-neuer-sdsn-bericht-prioritaeten-um-die-grundlage-fuer-einen-neuen-europaeischen-deal-fuer-die-zukunft-zu-schaffen/ 

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