For the first time, the new International Scientific Advisory Board (IWB) of IDOS met in Bonn and gained first insights into the Institute through various exchange and presentation formats.

International Scientific Advisory Board (IWB) of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability
From 8-10 February, the International Scientific Advisory Board (IWB) of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability met for the first time at IDOS in Bonn. The advisory board brings together eleven scientists of different expertise and nationalities and is to provide strategic advice to IDOS with regard to its scientific orientation, international partnerships and structural development. At the kick-off event on 8 February, Prof Dr Anke Hoeffler, University of Konstanz, spoke about the impact of violence on development followed by a reflection by Prof Dr Jörg Faust, DEval, and Dr Julia Leininger, IDOS. Within the framework of various exchange and presentation formats the members of the IWB were able to get to know the structure, content-related orientation and staff of IDOS; including a welcome speech by Dr Ariane Hildebrandt, Head of Department at the BMZ, a virtual exchange round with State Secretary Jochen Flasbarth, BMZ, and a poster session with various IDOS projects.
In addition to the IWB meeting, IDOS’ management devoted itself to various committee and advisory board activities in February. Prof Dr Hornidge deals with current challenges for global sustainability policy within the framework of the meetings of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU), while as a member of the German Committee for Sustainability Research (DKN) she contributes to advising the German Research Foundation, especially in the area of interdisciplinary and integrative sustainability research. Dr Axel Berger, Deputy Director (interim) at IDOS, attended the annual Board of Trustees meeting as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and advised GIZ on its institutional and strategic development.