The research team „Sustainable Finance in South Africa“ of the Postgraduate Training Programme will be visited by cooperation partners from South Africa. Under the leadership of Dr. Kathrin Berensmann and Sören Hilbrich, of the programme Transformation of Economic and Social Systems, six participants of the 58th Postgraduate Course are working on the implementation of the South African Green Finance Taxonomy, which was introduced this year. This taxonomy is expected to make an important contribution to achieving national and global sustainability goals, such as attracting increased capital for green investments in South Africa. The research team is collaborating closely with Prof. Samantha Ashman, University of Johannesburg, and Dr. Lee-Ann Steenkamp, Stellenbosch University, two renowned experts on sustainable finance in the South African context. From 15 to 21 December, both researchers will work together with the research team at IDOS in Bonn to develop the research design. The close cooperation with these South African partners will enable the integration of their country-specific expertise and interests. From February to April 2023, the research team will then conduct interviews with various relevant actors and stakeholders in South Africa and discuss the research findings in local workshops. The research team will present the results at IDOS at the end of May 2023.