Jointly with the Addis Tax Initiative (ATI) and the Council on Economic Policies (CEP), IDOS is organising a series of regional workshops on tax expenditures. The second workshop took place in Nairobi, Kenya on 18 and 19 October.
These events target delegates from revenue authorities and ministries of finance, but also members of parliament and representatives from civil society organisations. The aim is to promote exchange and peer learning on this important aspect of tax systems: Governments use tax breaks, exemptions or incentives to pursue a wide range of policy objectives, but are often unaware of their true cost-benefit relation. The workshops combine exchange on technical aspects, for instance with regard to the estimation of fiscal costs or the evaluation of tax expenditures, with discussions about the governance of tax expenditures and pathways to reform.
The second workshop took place in Nairobi, Kenya on 18 and 19 October. A total of nine East-African countries were represented. “This time we have included a session on the international tax system to reflect discussions on the global minimum tax, initiated by the G20 and the OECD”, remarks Christian von Haldenwang, senior researcher at IDOS and a co-lead of the project, “which has been welcomed by the participants”.
With the Global Tax Expenditures Database (, IDOS and CEP do not only provide comprehensive and reliable information, but we also aim at creating a global network of stakeholders and experts that could push for a more rational use of tax expenditures worldwide. The next joint workshop with the ATI will take place in Manila, the Philippines in early March 2023.