Dr. Michael Brüntrup was elected as one of the two co-chairs of the UNCCD’s Intergovernmental Working Group (IWG) on drought, together with Alfred Prospere, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Rural Development of the island nation of Santa Lucia. This IWG was established at the last Conference of Parties (COP 15) to identify and analyse options that can strengthen drought policies at the local, national and regional levels. Findings and recommendations are to be presented at the next COP (16) in Saudi Arabia in 2024. The Co-Chairs are tasked with organizing the IWG, guiding the UNCCD Secretariat in supporting the IWG, promoting consensus within the group, maintaining „substantive and high-level dialogue with member countries, processes and organizations,“ and representing the IWG at „relevant high-level events, meetings and conferences.“