MGG Academy 2022 has started with welcome event at BMZ

Photo: Members of the MGG Academy 2022 in front of BMZ


The MGG Academy brings together highly qualified young leaders from Brazil, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Mexico and South Africa. In their home countries, they work in ministries, research institutes, think tanks, civil society organisations or the private sector. The strengthening of systems knowledge and networking is particularly important for the participant Keoloboga Ramura from South Africa: „My participation in the MGG Academy will deepen my understanding and engagement with issues on global governance. The academy also offers me the opportunity to build networks and solidarity with other people and groups working in similar spaces as I am.“

Over the course of the Academy, participants enter into a dialogue on major questions of sustainability: How can a societal transformation toward sustainability succeed? What role does global governance play? How can a climate-friendly future also be shaped in a socially just way? What opportunities and risks does digitization offer for sustainability?

The MGG Academy aims to empower participants in their role as agents of change. “The participation in the programme gives me the chance to come from worrying about and acting individually against climate change to conceptional participation towards a globally common goal”, expects Lena Niebling from Germany.

In addition to academic modules, in which the focus is on the knowledge level, participants reflect on their own role in transformation processes in leadership seminars. In joint „change maker projects,“ participants can apply their new insights in practice. Two weeks of the programme are organised by the German Foreign Office on the possibilities and limits of diplomacy in times of crisis under the title „International Futures.

IDOS is pleased to welcome the participants again in Bonn and to provide a space for exchange, interpersonal encounters and joint project work.

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