This year´s BMZ African-German Leadership Academy is the first in-person programme that started in April 2022 with a two-week online phase, during which the participants got to know each other virtually and exchanged knowledge on sustainable development.
The BMZ African-German Leadership Academy is an innovative training and dialogue program that brings together 25 early to mid-career professionals from African partner countries and Germany. The programme enables joint knowledge creation and peer learning needed for sustainable development and aims to develop leadership skills.
Since 20th April, the participants are in Bonn at the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). Amongst other they were welcomed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), where they exchanged about the BMZ´s bi- and multilateral Africa politics.
The African Academy started with an introduction to the concepts of governance, sustainability politics, and leadership. During their first month, the participants focused on the main ecological, social, cultural, and economic consequences of climate change and how to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from Agenda 2030 and African Agenda 2063. A greater understanding and ideas on how to strategically preserve our environment on local and global levels were raised jointly. One essential part of the first month was the leadership training. It states a great example of how the African Academy program utilizes diverse training and learning methods that are based on cognitive as well as practical parts including workshops, open space and bar camp formats, presentations, discussions, expert conversations, and simulation games.
The “Academy Market” was a social highlight, where participants presented their home countries, institutions, and organizations to DIE colleagues while connecting with each other. Through various other networking events, cooperation for future global agreements has been and will be made.
During the next weeks, the African Academy will get to know Frankfurt, Brussels and Berlin and experience a great variety of visits to governmental, economic, cultural, and political institutions, while exploring more dimensions of sustainable development.
Postings with the Hashtag #AfricanAcademy inform on Twitter and LinkedIn about the experiences, it is also used by the participants themselves.