News from SDSN Germany

The new SDSN Germany newsletter is here!

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©SDSN Germany

In March, the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Germany  launched its own newsletter. Apart from highlighting successful events and achievements, our newsletter also covers different aspects like new projects, project results, cooperations/ partner organisations, new memberships of committees, awards, job advertisements, and the latest activities of the network’s members.

To learn more about us and to stay up to date on all aspects of sustainable development in Germany, subscribe to our newsletter at .

If you have not received our last newsletter or, would like to unsubscribe or, have other questions related to the newsletter then, please contact us at


New blog post published by the ZOE Institute for Future-fit Economies on EU fiscal rules

Jakob Hafele, Managing Director of ZOE, and Lydia Korinekt, Junior Consultant at ZOE, have published a blog post on the reform of EU fiscal rules on the website of SDSN Germany. In the blog post, the two authors argue that EU deficit and debt rules need to be fundamentally reformed, in order to allow government investment space also to countries like Greece, Italy and Portugal, to ensure the achievement of climate targets. France and Italy consider far-reaching reforms necessary, while northern European countries, excluding Germany which stands in between, are pushing for compliance with the debt rule. The issue must now be added to the agenda and brought into the public discourse. Recommendations for such a reform can be read in the ZOE Policy Brief.

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