The Käte Hamburger Kolleg KHK / GCR21 reports from its annual conference and informs on new publications and upcoming events.
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Conference, 2-5 July, 2021
After Covid? Critical Conjunctures and Contingent Pathways of Contemporary Capitalism
This year’s SASE-Conference has been regarded as a wide-ranging success. Contributors from diverse disciplines offered collaborative expertise on topics related to recovery and progress during and following the COVID-19 pandemic. Detailed daily reports from the conference, including accounts of individual presentations can be found here.
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Quack’s Presidency of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics came to an end following the closure of the association’s annual conference on Sunday evening. Prof. Dr. Quack concluded her year as the head of SASE with an inspiring speech, reflecting on the pandemic and its meaning for institutional theory. Her presidential lecture, ‘The Pandemic as an historical conjuncture: Understanding of the present, imaging the future’ provides food for thought when considering the outlook of global cooperation.
Further information and material:
Presidential Address, Prof. Dr. Sigrid Quack
SASE-Report, Day One: Start to SASE’s Annual Conference
SASE-Report, Day Two: Governing after Covid?
SASE-Report, Day Three: Global Cooperation and Migration
SASE-Report, Day Four: Digital Governance and Democracy
Quarterly Magazine “Variants of Political Space”, published Juli 2021
Political space is perceived as geographic space first and foremost and geo-politics is still a dominant view of the world and the distribution of power in it. But there is more to this. Digital and emotional spheres of social interaction provide other means to establish hierarchies, exert power and delignate borders, providing opportunities for inclusion and exclusion, economic growth vs. decline, territories of influence and belonging.
This Quarterly Magazine provides thoughtful reflextions about Variants of Political Space. Contributions range from digital governance to development aid in Central Asia to University education and public diplomacy and the imageries of Indian Americans. Current fellows of the Centre dominate this issue, not least by contributing fascinating project descriptions on current research in critical fantasy studies, the culture of an open internet and 19th century critiques of the liberal state.
You can read the Current Issue here.
New Research Paper from alumni Fellow Dr. Alena Drieschova Analyses the Roll of Social Media in Climate Change Discourse
Alena Drieschova, until recently a fellow at the Centre, examines what she calls the ‚opportunity structure‘ of social media in her new research paper ‚The Social Media Revolution and Shifts in the Climate Change Discourse‘. With regard to the current climate debate, Drieschova compares the opposing groups of climate sceptics and the social movement of climate activists. Figures show that the climate activist movement uses these media much more successfully.
Drieschova presents a qualitative study in deliberate contrast to those predominantly quantitative studies she references in a review of the research literature. She is interested in marginalised groups and individual actors in search of images, stories and arguments.
Alena Drieschova, „The Social Media Revolution and Shifts in the Climate Change Discourse“
Global Cooperation Research Papers 29, Duisburg 2021
Upcoming Events
20th Käte Hamburger Dialogue: “Power and Authority in Internet Governance: What Role for the State?”
Wednesday, 8. September 2021 (17:30, MESZ) | Online-Podium via Zoom
The worldwide push for greater state involvement in internet regulation has generated renewed interest in the question of the proper role of the state in today’s digital society: Is the state ‚back‘ in internet regulation? If so, what forms is state involvement taking, and with what consequences for the future? What challenges does state regulation pose to democratic values? Should we fear the ’splinternet‘?
The recently published GCR21 volume, Power and Authority in Internet Governance: Return of the State? (Routledge, 2021) tackles these questions, pushing the debate beyond a simplistic dichotomy between liberalism and authoritarianism in order to consider also greater state involvement based on values of democracy and human rights. We invite you to join several of the authors from Power and Authority in Internet Governance for a panel discussion addressing these questions. Like the book, the panel will examine the multifaceted nature of internet governance, highlighting challenges and development at the global level, as well as internet governance from the perspective of both authoritarian and democratic states.
You can find more information on the registration here.
International Conference “De/Legitimizing Global Migration Control“
28-29 October 2021 | University of Amsterdam, Roeterseiland Campus
We are delighted to announce an upcoming international conference titled “De/Legitimizing Global Migration Control”, to be convened at the University of Amsterdam. The conference is organized by the Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research at the University of Duisburg-Essen in cooperation with the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR).
The aim of the conference is to shed light on the voices and interventions of different actors and communities who articulate competing (de-)legitimation narratives targeting existing or emerging migration regimes or control practices. The conference will contribute to new scholarly and policy understandings of the cultural and moral underpinnings of current and future migration regimes across the world.
The organisers require confirmation of attendance by 1 October 2021. Please register at: