Be a Part of the T20 Network
As editors of this blog, we are proud to welcome you to this Think20 (T20) platform for promoting informed policy discussions about the G20. Here, we would like to outline some of our ambitions for this blog, including the type of pieces we will be publishing, the kind of audience we are writing for, and most importantly, how you can get engaged. Now into its sixth year, the T20 community of think tank researchers and university academics has become a fixture within the G20 universe.
Yet from the outside, it may not always be clear what the T20 actually ‘does’. No doubt there are also many who feel the same way about the G20.
The G20 agenda is wide in scope and scale, and it can be difficult to keep abreast of the latest policy debates across specialist fields like macroeconomic policy, financial regulation, climate change, development, anti-corruption, and trade.
Our ambition: short, interesting and original insights
As such, this blog intends to bring an additional dimension to the way the T20 engages with members of our own research network, the broader public, and the German G20 presidency in advance of the 2017 G20 Summit in Hamburg.
From our point of view, within the great online (and offline) ‘marketplace of ideas’, the T20 has an important part to play in not only putting forward new policy proposals for the G20, but also in promoting competition between existing ones.
Our practical aim is to provide readers with access to short, interesting and original insights from the growing community of ‘Think20’ researchers.
One-off analyses as well as active debates
Most of the posts on this blog will be ‘one-off’ analyses about issues that are on the G20 agenda. However we also aim to bring you a series of online ‘dialogues’, where T20 scholars engage in the kinds of challenging policy debates that G20 countries and leaders encounter every year. From time to time, we will also provide updates about the various T20 conferences and workshops that will take place between now and the Hamburg Summit.
Contact us and get engaged!
If you are an academic or analyst working on G20 issues, we encourage you to get in touch if you would like to contribute to the T20 blog. We are an independent and non-partisan online outlet, strongly committed to analytical integrity, and are always interested in informed and well-researched arguments. Prior to publication, a DIE researcher will review each blog in order to ensure a high standard of analytical quality.
We hope that the pieces published here will become required reading for those who are working on G20 issues, as well as a first port of call for those who are curious about the T20 and the G20 in the year of Germany’s presidency.