Schlagwort: t20 process

T20 must Rediscover before becoming Irrelevant

Photo: Centro Cultural Kirchner
Almost a year-long T20 process concluded last week, setting the stage for the Argentinean Presidency of G20 hosting the Summit. The process of T20 was led by the Argentinean Council for International Relations (CARI) and the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC). On the lines of the excellent precedence set up by the T20 during the German G20 Presidency in 2017, T20 Argentina also organised its work around 10 Task Forces with participation of more than 150 think-tanks. The process brought out 80 Policy Briefs. Unlike earlier, the T20 Co-Chairs could also present the final communiqué from T20 to the President of Argentina.