Author: Clara Brandi

Image of the Square in Seville, “4th International Conference on Financing for Development 30 June–3 July 2025 Seville, Spain”

Trump and FfD4 – the Elephant in the Room Starts to Speak (and Destroy)

The first two sentences delivered by the U.S. representative at the 3rd session of FfD4 Preparatory Committee (3rd PrepCom) last week were already tough ones: “At the outset, I underscore that the United States is currently evaluating its membership and participation in all international organisations and processes. Thus, we are reserving on the whole draft…

Forging Consensus: Navigating Trade Controversies in the FfD4 Zero Draft

Image of the Square in Seville, “4th International Conference on Financing for Development 30 June–3 July 2025 Seville, Spain”

The role of international trade as a key driver for sustainable development has been a recurring theme since the First International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD) in Monterrey, Mexico in 2022. Building on this established consensus, the “Zero Draft” of the FfD4 Outcome Document emphasizes the transformative potential of international trade in driving sustainable development, particularly for developing countries.…

Cumbersome but Essential – The United Nations Financing for Development Process Ahead of its 4th Conference

IDOS Blog Series on the 4th FfD Conference

Image of the Square in Seville, “4th International Conference on Financing for Development 30 June–3 July 2025 Seville, Spain”

The 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4), scheduled for June 30 to July 3 in Seville, Spain, will conclude an extensive United Nations process that aims to align public and private financial flows with social, environmental, and economic goals. …

Photo: Front of the World Bank Group with their name written on it.

From dialogue to action: Key lessons from the Consultations on the World Bank Reform Process

The World Bank’s current reform efforts are approaching a critical point during the Annual Meetings in Marrakech, Morocco, from October 9 to 15, 2023. The Bank should use this moment to adopt meaningful changes that enable it to tackle the twin challenges of global development and climate change and reflect voices of stakeholders from around…

The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment – proceed with caution

Photo: Power plant from above, Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

Photo by marcinjozwiak on Pixabay

Today, the European Commission presented its “Fit-for-55” proposal which includes a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The CBAM would impose a levy on imports into the EU based on their CO2 content from 2023. As part of the European Green Deal, Commission President von der Leyen had announced this instrument two years ago in order to be able to implement more ambitious climate policy targets without energy-intensive sectors shifting their emissions abroad (carbon leakage). Following the Commission’s proposal, the CBAM must now be spelled out in detail by the EU member states and the European Parliament. Going forward, it is key to ensure that the CBAM is effective in fighting climate change, that it is WTO compatible and, above all, that it has as few ramifications as possible for foreign policy and for developing countries in particular.…