IPSS-Delegation at DIE

Researcher of DIE and IPSS Group Photo


In early June, a delegation from the Institute of Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) in Addis Ababa and the Commission of the African Union (AU) visited DIE. The IPSS is one of the leading think tanks in East Africa. DIE researchers from the programmes “Transformation of Political (Dis)Order” and “Inter- and Transnational Cooperation” welcomed our African colleagues to a two-hour exchange about ongoing activities across research, policy advice, and training. DIE and IPSS already cooperate in the T20-Africa network, and both agreed to continue deepening their cooperation in the future.

On the side of the AU, the experts on conflict prevention and early warning were particularly interested in DIE’s work on state fragility and EU support for the African peace and security architecture.

The visit to DIE was organised within the framework of a study trip organised by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).