Access to the labour market plays an essential role in allowing displaced populations to sustain their livelihoods and integrate into a host community. However, evidence shows that displaced people face specific challenges in integrating into the labour market. Covid-19 further aggravates these challenges. This policy brief presents evidence on interventions to ease the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the livelihoods of displaced populations, in the short term during lockdowns and in the medium and longer term under remaining restrictions and changed economic structures.
On 16 December 2020, Jana Kuhnt and Kirsten Schuettler will present the results of this policy brief in a webinar at 1 p.m. CET:
The Thematic Team on “Rigorous Impact Evaluation” (RIE), founded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and DEval brings together experts from BMZ, evaluation, academia, governmental organizations as well as civil society to contribute to a more systematic integration of rigorous impact evaluations and the use of their results in German Development Cooperation. To contribute to a more evidence-based implementation of BMZ’s Corona Programme, members of the Thematic Team and other scientific experts synthesized the experience and evidence on the effectiveness of measures in four central thematic areas of the BMZ’s Corona Programme in Policy Briefs.