IDOS researcher Alina Sowa Awarded Fellowship for Gender Inequality Research

As part of her PhD research, Alina Sowa received an Add-on Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Economics from the Joachim Herz Stiftung. The fellowship will advance her research on the DFG Project on Gender Inequality and Social Policies. 

Logo: Joachim Herz StiftungThe Add-On Fellowship supports young scientists, whose economic research questions are interdisciplinary and highly relevant to society, and who thus contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

On 9 and 10 January, the programme was kicked off with presentations of the more than 40 fellows. The fellowship will support Alina Sowa’s work on the DFG Project on Gender Inequality and Social Policies through financial support of 12,500 euros, which can be used flexibly and individually within a two-year term. In addition, the fellowship provides biannual workshops on topics such as academic career development and science communication.  

Alina Sowa will use part of the funds for a three-month research stay at the Economics Department of Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona. There, she will collaborate with Prof. Libertad González, a renowned expert in Gender Economics.

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