On 26 – 28 August 2024, IDOS will host a workshop on “Social contracts and environmental change in the Middle East and North Africa and elsewhere”.
It will bring together researchers from all parts of the world to analyse how environmental change affects national social contracts in different countries and what incentives these social contracts provide for some of their parties to behave in ways that have negative externalities for other groups or the environment. In addition, participants will discuss how social contracts need to be modified to reduce these bidirectional effects or to compensate for their impact on certain social groups. Finally, what does it mean for the legitimacy of the state if environmental degradation restricts the state’s ability to deliver protection, provision and participation.
A call for papers to be presented at the workshop is open until 7 April at: https://www.idos-research.de/en/events/details/social-contracts-and-environmental-change-in-the-middle-east-and-north-africa-and-elsewhere/