Isabelle Boley was honoured by the Bonn Chamber of Industry and Commerce as one of the best trainees of her year. IDOS was also honoured as a training institute.
On Tuesday, 17 October 2023, the IHK award ceremony for the best trainees of the year and their companies took place at the GOP Varieté in Bonn. We congratulate Isabelle Boley on this great achievement! Ms Boley completed her final examination with the highest grade, making her one of the best in her profession for the 2023 examination year. Her training achievement was honoured with a certificate. IDOS, as a training provider, was also honoured with a certificate for the best training performance in the apprenticeship occupation of office management assistant in 2023.
- Nicole Nüchel and Isabelle Boley, ©IDOS
We are delighted that Ms Boley will be joining the IDOS team as an office administrator. Many thanks to all the specialist trainers who have contributed to this training success.