The research team of the 58th postgraduate class, which is conducting research on digitisation for sustainability in the public sector in Brazil, returned from their nine-week research stay in Brazil.

©IDOS, Research Team 3 with participants of the workshop in Paraty
It is the first of the three research teams, which returned and will further analyse the data to complete the final report. After the six-week data collection phase in Brazil, which the team conducted in the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Curitiba and Recife, a three-week team retreat took place in Paraty, federal state of Rio de Janeiro. There, the research team began with the analysis of the collected data. Based on this preliminary analysis, the team established initial theses and discussed them in a two-day workshop with a focus group consisting of the two partner institutions of the research project (FGV EBAPE and ENAP) and relevant ministries. The interactive design of the workshop allowed the participants to bring their different experiences, perspectives and competences into the discussion, which led to the preliminary results being even better contextualised in the Brazilian regional context.
Before leaving for Germany, the research team returned to Rio de Janeiro for a few days to present its preliminary research results at the partner organisation FGV EBAPE. Project and interview partners from other parts of the country participated online and discussed the first impressions and results.
Back in Germany, the evaluation of further data, the completion of the final report and the final presentation at IDOS will follow at the end of May.