The project is supported by the National Research Foundation and its German counterpart the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and explores synergies between South Korean and German development policy and their wider multilateral engagement. PD Dr Stephan Klingebiel is leading the research project at IDOS; Dr Niels Keijzer was based as a guest researcher at Ewha Womans University in May and June 2022.
The aim of this workshop was to take stock of the current challenging global environment in which both countries seek to promote global sustainable development. South Korea and Germany are key actors in this area both due to their strong commitment to the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda, and as export driven developed economies strongly depend on continued global stability and development.
The hybrid workshop brought together around 30 participants. Most participants represented various academic research institutions, complemented by some participants with a policy and practitioners background (Global Climate Fund, UNDP, EU Delegation etc.). On 17 and 18 October 2022, a second workshop will take place at IDOS in Bonn in order to discuss more advanced academic paper proposals and explore other topics of mutual interest.