The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the great potential of digitalisation for societies and economies, e.g. for access to education or with new impulses for technological and economic innovation. At the same time, many world regions struggle to seize the opportunities given the rebound effects related to energy consumption and a deepening digital divide. During his month-long research secondment to Instituto Mora in Mexico City in the framework of the Managing Global Governance (MGG) network’s PRODIGEES project, Wulf Reiners (German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)) has discussed competing narratives of digitalisation and their impact on digitalisation strategies with experts from academia and the private sector in the Mexican context. The exchange was carried out as a face-to-face workshop with online streaming in coordination between DIE, the Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. Jose María Luis Mora and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) through its “Digital Transformation Centre in Mexico” (DTC).