Seven Laboratories from 10 to 12 May 2022 offer a creative, interactive platform to support action for the UN Ocean Decade around the globe. Shape the event by submitting a proposal for a Satellite Event until 15 March.
In 2021, the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development kicked off with a High-Level Launch event,which is being followed by a series of seven online Ocean Decade Laboratories focusing on the seven outcomes of the Decade. One of these goals is shaping a transparent, accessible ocean, with good governance and open access to marine data, knowledge, and technology, enabling stakeholders across the world to take science-based decisions and to contribute to knowledge creation. The dedicated Laboratory for this topic will take place from 10 to 12 May 2022. We invite you to shape the event together with us by submitting a proposal for a Satellite Event until 15 March 2022.
The Satellite Event can relate to your work / research, place a focus on your country, your wider research area, preferred ecosystem or organism, data platform or anything else you consider relevant. These Satellite Activities are your chance to contribute actively to the UN Ocean Decade, and to discuss your understanding of what an accessible ocean should entail with the wider ocean community.
Submit your proposal directly on the website