News from the Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research (KHK/GCR21)

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The KHK/GCR21 held a conference in November to identify new avenues for interdisciplinary research on global cooperation. A special issue of the Quarterly Magazine on climate and sustainability was also published.


Special Issue of Global Cooperation Research, A Quarterly Magazine

Climate and Sustainability: Major Challenge for Global Cooperation

3-4 / 2021

The editor of this special issue, Lauren Eastwood, Policy Field Convenor for Climate Change and Sustainability Governance, has brought together a collection of contributions from current and past fellows at the Centre, and their collaborators. This includes an introduction by Lauren Eastwood herself as well as reflections on the development of carbon markets (Betz and Castro), the moral hazards of solar radiation management (Sconfienza); justice claims at the COP (Schapper); the waning of neoliberalism in climate change politics (Mauelshagen); visual climate storytelling by Fridays for Futures (Shim and de Vries); and rethinking environmental politics through the lens of critical fantasy studies (Mert).

Read the latest issue here.


Recent Event

 Midterm Conference: New Avenues of Global Cooperation

15-16 November 2021

At the mid-point of the second funding phase of the programme, funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research, the conference had three main goals: To recapitulate findings from the past three years, to reflect on modes of collaborating, and to identify new avenues for interdisciplinary research on global cooperation. It took place at a moment of great challenges for global cooperation, and as we adapt our modes of collaboration to the shifting developments of a global pandemic. This conference opened up an opportunity to meet, both in person and virtually, with fellows, alumni, and (future) cooperation partners.

The conference took the form of roundtables and panel discussions. Some panels were dedicated to the centre’s thematic research foci, including polycentrism, (anti-)globalism, as well as the role of imagination, reflexivity and interdisciplinarity in global cooperation (research). Four panels reflected the centre’s empirical foci on the policy fields of migration, climate, peace building and internet governance.

Reports from the conference can be accessed here.

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