From 26 to 28 October 2020, the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in cooperation with the Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW) welcomed around 150 international experts to a virtual dialogue on sustainable public procurement.
After extensive revision, a detailed documentation is now available. Summaries of speeches and discussions as well as the slide sets of the presentations provide a deep insight into the event, even for those who could not attend. This documentation aims at providing a good overview of the state of the discussion. Procurement officers and experts from Germany, Europe as well as Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa spent three days exchanging views on current topics such as e-procurement, purchasing pools and communication for sustainable public procurement. You can now find the most important results of this exchange here: https://blogs.die-gdi.de/2021/01/26/digital-dialogue-forum-on-sustainable-public-procurement-2020-e-procurement-market-dialogue-and-joint-procurement-as-drivers-for-spp/
The next Dialogue Forum on Sustainable Public Procurement will take place this year in a digital format again, probably from 27 to 30 September 2021. Registrations are accepted by Tim Stoffel (tim.stoffel@die-gdi.de).
More information on the ongoing project “Impulses for Socially Responsible Public Procurement of Municipalities in Global Value Chains (ISOPP)” supported by Engagement Global with its Service Agency Communities in One World with funding from the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development is available on our website.