©SDSN Germany
13th meeting of the Extended Leadership Council of SDSN Germany
Under the title Pandemic Election Year 2021: Mobilization and Positioning of Associations for Sustainable Development Goals, the 13th meeting of the SDSN Germany Extended Steering Committee took place on 24 February 2021 with high-ranking representatives of top German associations. Prof. Dr. h.c. Jutta Allmendinger (President of the WZB, Berlin Social Science Center) introduced the debate with an opening keynote, in which she described the socio-political situation for 2021. The meeting focused on the lever „Social Mobilization and Participation“ mentioned in the German Sustainability Strategy.
The report will follow shortly.
More information (just in German)
SDSN Europe Webinar: The Future Europe Wants: A Green and Digital, Job-Based and Inclusive Recovery
On 18 February 2021, a webinar on the future of Europe, organised by SDSN Europe, took place, presenting key recommendations of the new report “Transformations for the Joint Implementation of Agenda 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal: A Green and Digital, Job-Based and Inclusive Recovery from COVID-19 Pandemic”, followed by comments inter alia from Co-Chairs of the new platform SDSN Europe, Adolf Kloke-Lesch (Managing Director SDSN Germany), Prof. Phoebe Koundouri (EU Senior Working Group Chair) and Prof. Angelo Riccaboni (SDSN Mediterranean Chair).