Panel Discussion on sustainability policies and the COVID-19 pandemic

©SDSN Germany
SDSN Germany organised together with United Nations Association of Germany (DGVN) a panel discussion on sustainability policies in Europe and the COVID-19 pandemic.
The 2019 European Sustainable Development Report by SDSN & IEEP had been presented at this occasion followed by a discussion on how the recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic can also become a chance for the transformation towards a more sustainable and just future.
Carolin Mulack (DGVN) and Janina Sturm (SDSN Germany) welcomed over 70 participants. Finn Woelm (SDSN) presented the ESDR2019 and Elise Zerrath facilitated the following panel discussion with Sophia Bachmann (Youth Delegate for Sustainable Development), Christine Hackenesch (German Development Institute), Axel Schäfer (Member of the German Parliament) und Finn Woelm (SDSN).
The conference report can be found here: (in German only)
The ESDR 2019 can be found here (in German only).