Jörn Grävingholt & Conrad Schetter, ©JRF
On 17 June 2020, at the request of the ALLIANCE 90 / THE GREENS parliamentary group, the science committee of the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament discussed the topic “Strengthening peace and conflict research” in a public meeting.
Representatives of various institutes for peace and conflict research in North Rhine-Westphalia discussed with the science committee about the future direction of this research field.
The two Bonn member institutes of the Johannes Rau Research Society and the Bonn Alliance for Sustainability Research, the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) and the BICC (Bonn International Conversion Center) were also invited.
Jörn Grävingholt spoke for DIE and explained that the institutions involved in peace and conflict research in NRW cooperate in many different ways and thus bring their different strengths to bear in joint research and policy advice. He argued to strengthen the institutional funding of this branch of research in order to ensure the recognized high quality work in the long term.
The hearing made it clear that all political groups in the state parliament attach great importance to peace and conflict research. The committee minutes for consultation will shortly be available on the Science Committee website:.
The application of the ALLIANCE 90 / THE GREENS parliamentary group „Strengthening peace and conflict research“ (German only) can be found at: https://www.landtag.nrw.de/portal/WWW/dokumentenarchiv/Dokument/MMD17-7752.pdf