DFG Project on Gender Inequality and Social Policies met

In November, the team from the DFG project „Gender Inequality and Social Policies“ gathered for its mid-term meeting. The project looks into the root causes and mechanisms of gender inequality and the extent to which social policies can help mitigate them in low-income countries.

Photo: The team of the project on Gender Inequality and Social Policies posing in front of the Meeting-Screen. Dr Christoph Strupat and Alina Sowa from IDOS, alongside Prof. Arndt Reichert and Anne Simon from Leibniz University Hannover.


The team of the project on Gender Inequality and Social Policies includes Dr Christoph Strupat and Alina Sowa from IDOS, alongside Prof. Arndt Reichert and Anne Simon from Leibniz University Hannover. The project aims to understand the root causes and mechanisms of gender inequality and the extent to which social policies can help mitigate them in low-income countries.

During the mid-term meeting, the team discussed findings from two research papers:

  1. Examining the causal relationship between kinship norms and gender differences in adult and child labor outcomes in Ghana.
  2. Evaluating the gender equality effects of an early marriage reform in Ethiopia.

The collaboration with partners from the University of Ghana and Addis Ababa University continues to yield insightful results. This important work is supported by the DFG – German Research Foundation.

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