IDOS has been certified for the fifth time in a row as an institute with a long-standing and sustainable work-life balance policy with the audit workandfamily (audit berufundfamilie) as a special recognition.
A good work-life balance strengthens the mental health of our staff and contributes to a work-friendly culture at our institute. Since 2012, IDOS has taken part in the ongoing auditing process by developing measures and solutions together with the workforce, management and administration every three years and reviewing their implementation annually.
The berufundfamilie Service GmbH supports companies, institutions and universities in implementing sustainable conditions for balancing work, family and private life using the management tool initiated by the Hertie Foundation. On 18 June 2024, the service provider and think tank hosted the 26th certificate award ceremony at the Haus der Deutschen Wirtschaft in Berlin. Institutions that successfully completed the audits and dialogue procedures offered in the previous twelve months were honoured.
Among the well-wishers and speakers at the ceremony were Managing Director, Oliver Schulz, certification authority member of the board of trustees, Prof Dr Dr Helmut Schneider, the President of the German Association of Human Resources Managers (BPM), Inga Drasfeld-Haase and the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and patron of the audit, Lisa Paus. The speakers emphasised that the 306 award-winning institutions not only demonstrate a sense of responsibility for their staff, but also act as role models through their family-friendly human resource policies and benefit from the competition.
The management of IDOS thanks all employees who took part in the process, the Head of General Administration, the equal opportunities officer, as well as the auditor from berufundfamilie, Elena de Graat. IDOS is looking forward to implementing the jointly developed goals over the next three years.