©SDSN Germany
Advisory Council Dialogue (“Beirätedialog”)
In cooperation with the science platform sustainability 2030 (wpn2030), SDSN Germany hosted the 2020 Dialogue of the Advisory Councils (“Beirätedialog 2020”) on 21 September under the topic „Which future after the crisis? Impulses from scientific policy advice“.
Representatives from scientific advisory boards of the German government and as well as from federal ministries discussed challenges for political action in the context of sustainable development.
Key question of the discussion was the role of scientific policy advice for shaping the medium- and long-term future to lead Germany (more) sustainable out of the crisis.
Press briefing

In cooperation with the the German councel for sustainable Development (RNE), the German advisory council on the environment (SRU) and the science platform sustainability 2030 (wpn2030), SDSN Germany organised a virtual press briefing on 15 September 2020 on the occasion of the debate of the Bundestag on „sustainable development“, which took place from 16 to 18 September 2020.
The aim of the briefing was to present options for the further development of German sustainable development policy and to put it in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
During the press briefing, statements of the organisations were briefly presented and afterwards the participating journalists had the opportunity to ask questions and give comments.
The speakers appreciated the general debate on sustainable development in the Bundestag because the topic has reached the general discourse and therefore a discussion on sustainable development needs to be taken into the plenary debate of the Bundestag, too.
Germany is not on track to achieve many SDGs (off track indicators) and many goals have not seen any positive development for decades. Therefore, the further development of the German Sustainable Development Strategy (“Deutsche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie”) is of great importance to lead more concretely and consistently to transformation processes in order to solve problems in a systematic way.