Eva Dick, ©DIE

Paul Marschall, ©DIE

Christopher Wingens©DIE
In February, DIE initiated the study „Municipal development co-operation in Germany“, commissioned by the Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW). The study aims to update the results of a study on the same topic that DIE conducted in 2009 considering the evolving political and institutional frameworks as well as paradigms of international cooperation and development.
On a strategic level, the study identifies motivations and obstacles of German cities and municipalities to engage in development cooperation and thereby intends to contribute to an enhancement of this engagement. Methods comprise an online survey with German municipalities as well as interviews with representatives of municipalities, municipal associations and institutions at federal and state level. The study will be carried out in cooperation with the German Institute for Development Evaluation (Deval) which will evaluate the support of municipal development cooperation by the SKEW. The project team consists of Eva Dick (lead), Christopher Wingens and Paul Marschall.