Helge Braun, head of the Federal Chancellery (front row, 6th from the left), with participants of the Forum Sustainability © Bundesregierung/Lene
On 13 June, at the invitation of the Federal Chancellery, the Forum Sustainability took place. About fifty key sustainability actors participated in the forum. After reports from the ministries, the head of the Federal Chancellery, Professor Helge Braun, gave a keynote address and opened the discussion. Subsequently, workshops on international sustainability policy, sustainability indicators, cooperation between the German federal government and the federal states, communication and the State Secretary Committee on Sustainable Development were held. In the afternoon, a discussion with impulses from business, environment, social, youth and development took place. This provided an opportunity for plenary contributions. SDSN Germany and some of its member and partner organisations were actively involved in the Forum. The German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) was represented by its acting director Imme Scholz.
Further information on Germany’s National Sustainable Development Strategy is available here: www.deutsche-nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.de
On 19 May, the trialogue „Nachhaltig unterwegs – Mobilität jetzt attraktiv gestalten“ took place in the Berlin Allianz Forum. The event was organised by the Mobility Working Group of the Science Platform Sustainability 2030 and the Humboldt-Viadrina Governance Platform. The aim of the trialogue was to bring together the views of stakeholders from politics, business, civil society, science and the media on sustainable mobility and to lay the foundation for a roadmap for mobility. Following the introduction by Gesine Schwan (HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform) and Dirk Messner (United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security), Helge Pols (BMVI), Carl-Friedrich Eckardt (BMW), Susanne Henckel (VBB) and Anika Meenken (VCD) provided inputs on tasks and challenges of sustainable transport and mobility. Afterwards, the participants discussed topics of action and issue areas in three different workshops on the topics „decarbonisation of mobility“, „urban renewal“ and „mobility in the countryside“.
On 20 June, the secretariat of SDSN Germany co-hosted, together with the Project HochN and the Center for a Sustainable University, a session at the Sustainability Action Days 2019 at the University of Hamburg. By visiting the Center for a Sustainable University – a member organisation of SDSN Germany – the session in Hamburg was another stop on the ‘#SDSN_Deutschlandreise’. In addition to the opportunities and challenges of networks, the participants also identified possible ways for cooperation and exchange between the networks and its members.